Reach a broader audience by using Julien and his 10 million followers online in a branded content partnership. He makes your products go viral and appear more magical. He offers long term partnerships as a brand ambassador or based on specific campaigns.
Julien Magic and his brand team can create specific illusions around your products to be in total focus in an organic way and reach millions of people worldwide or in a specific country. Give your brand a magic twist like previous companys as Coca cola, Pepsi, Mercedes, Nestlé and Absolut Vodka.
”The best isn´t good enough – But this was!” Jörg Himmelmann, CEO Mercedes-Benz
Facebook statistic 2020
Company: Pepsi
Reach : 150 million Engagment : 80 000 likes
Created a magic trick with their product and using street magic as form of branded content that reached over 150 million views and over 80 000 likes on various plattforms, mainly Facebook and Youtube
Reduce your carbon footprint installation for SIDA.
Company: SIDA (Global Goals)
Reach : 250 Million Engagment : Over 100 000 Likes
Collaboration with Redew Jeans for The Global Goals by the United nations. Using illusions to the streets to get people to think more about
our carbon footprint on this planet, which was 4 diffrent videos that became massive viral hits both on Facebook Instagram and Youtube.
Company: Nestle
Reach : 60 Million Engagment : 50 000 likes
In partner with Nestle Julien created this magic trick turning money in to the choclate bar Kitkat which amazed the audience aswell as people on the streets
Company: Corona
Reach : Over 50 Million Engagement : 65 000 likes
In partner with Corona I created a magic trick where I made the bottle reveal itself from thin air creating crazy reactions and made a viral hit on facebook and youtube
Company: Coca Cola
Reach : 80 Million Engagement : 90 000 likes
Julien and his brand created various diffrent magic tricks using the coca cola bottle and brand. With this he amazed ordinary people on the streets to norweigans in summer festivals in the mountains.
This created a mass viral hit which made people love the brand of Coca Cola even more.